Qoheleth Ministries was officially named in 1991 after Orlando Sanchez had read a verse from the book of Ecclesiastes in the Holy Bible. The Hebrew word QOHELETH means "The Preacher" or "The one that spreads the news". For many years Qoheleth Ministries operated in the community with Orlando doing most of the work blessing as much people as he could with his financial contributions. As the ministry grew it was impossible for Orlando to continue doing it by himself and in 2003 Qoheleth Ministries became a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, allowing its donors to receive a tax-deductible for items that were donated to the ministry.


Feed The Hungry is a FREE FOOD program for seniors, singles, and low income families for the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa.
We distribute a variety of items from canned food, produce, bread, clothes, furniture and the word of Jesus Christ.
Over 40,000 pounds of food and around 2000 people are fed, clothed and assisted every month.
Since 1988, this ministry has been committed to feeding the hungry in body, mind and spirit.
Qoheleth Ministries is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation and offers tax-deductibles to people that donate to this ministry.
In 1988 with only a loaf of bread, several cups of coffee and a Bible at his side Orlando Sanchez took to the streets of Costa Mesa to share the love of Jesus Christ. His desire to help others lead him to start a food ministry to spread God's word by first providing the essentials for living; food and clothing.
That ministry has blossomed into Qoheleth Ministries, which includes a large scale food distribution event every 2nd Saturday of the month in the city of Costa Mesa, California, as well as regular personal trips throughout the week to provide for those in need.
What gives him the greatest joy, It's being able to feed the heart, as he regularly prays with those in need, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only true satisfier of hunger.
Qoheleth is a Hebrew word from Ecclesiastes that is translated as "The Preacher" or "The one who spreads the news". It is Orlando's desire and prayer to live that word for Christ.

Orlando in 2009 with his wife Lupita and his two daughters, Tracy and Oleny.

Orlando in 1988